The Devil's Trek


We have been to the Devil's lair and returned! The plan was to hit every landmark along the Oregon coast that had the word "Devil" in the name. We packed up some appropriate props for taking photos (devil mask, pitchfork, inflatable smiley face devil, etc) and took off South from Portland, Oregon on highway 99, stopping at Alf's Monkey Hut for burgers and ice cream (and monkeys) and continued South on the 18 and then South on the 101. We stopped at the Rogue brewpub to buy glow-in-the-dark Dead Guy Ale shirts and then continued to our first stop. The plan was to start at the furthest South point and travel North.


Some photos taken during our trek to the first location:


My customer number at Alf's Monkey Hut


Les knows what brings 'em in to buy tires in McMinnville, Oregon!