Pitiful Humans! You Must Die!™
UPDATED 10/8/2011 - now runs on all operatings systems!
Pitiful Humans! You Must Die!™ is copyright 1985-2001 Mad Martian®, all rights reserved. The only authorized distribution is through this web page.
This is a text-based puzzle-oriented adventure game, similar in style to the old Infocom games. It accepts full English sentences and multiple command strings as well as abbreviated commands.
As it was written in the days of DOS, it requires the free DOSBOX app to run. DOSBOX will also allow you to run this on any computer, including Windows, Mac, and Linux systems! You can even get DOSBOX for Android phones from the Android Marketplace.
The Mad Man from Mars™, the most insane being in the known universe, has seized control of the solar system. The atmosphere of the Earth is kept thin by a Madmana Radar Range Microwave Atmosphere Controller™, with Space Command Remote, of course. Humans have either been slaughtered or enslaved. You are among the 20,000 human inhabitants of Mars being kept in a gigantic underground prison cell. If only you could escape... After several months in captivity you are chosen by the guards... but for what? The guards, members of an alien race of eyeball-heads, drag you toward a door through which many have been taken but none have returned. The door is locked behind you. You hear hideous laughter echoing throughout the cavern in front of you...
This game is distributed as shareware. If you like the game, please send a mere $5 to the author for its use. Ownership is maintained by Mad Martian®. Hints will be given upon request to registered users. Click here to pay the measly five bucks and start down the road to madness knowing you can get a hint when you need one.
Copyright © 1995-2018 Mad Martian® All Rights Reserved.